Dear Allyson,
I’m having trouble in life. Communicating with others seems to be a big issue. Any tips on how to not be so anxious when put in social situations? Also, I’m having trouble being motivated enough to contribute to today’s society. I love the earth and all things on it but It’s hard to contribute to our society without also contributing to all the destructive actions our society causes. How do I find and kickstart a career if they all seem to hurt the world in some way shape or form.
Floral by Allyson Grey
Dear Zachary,
Thank you so much for entrusting me with troubling feelings about your life and future.
By asking, you distinguish the problem and ascend an upward spiral toward a higher consciousness of your life’s journey.
My perspective comes purely from experience. When depression is evident, a psychotherapist can be a helpful advocate for a new direction.
So can yoga and meditation. So can a healing creative retreat with caring facilitators.
One thing I do know is that, when it comes to mental OR physical well-being...
… Health is a function of participation.
To evolve you have to get involved. Now not being a particularly good time to mix and mingle, it may be the best time to research your possible evolution, your emergence from the chrysalis. Psychology podcasts? Online help for anxiety? The best books on the subject? You’re not alone in this discomfort, Zachary. Find the others. What do they recommend and what did they do that worked?
Alex recommends the book Transforming Depression: Healing the Soul through Creativity by David Rosen.
I recommend Loving What Is by Byron Katie, who offers a structure for self-healing. Her online teaching really leads to results if you are honest with yourself and actually write out the worksheet. See her in action on youtube, working with people who have breakthroughs on the spot.
The state of the nature web needs every committed individual available. Find an organization that you admire. Learn all about it and see what you can do to become a part of that force for good. Volunteers are needed everywhere and can lead to a job and a career. Every corner of the world needs sensitive, caring people who recognize the vast range of healing needed. How do we overcome our frozen state that keeps us from acting for our own benefit and the benefit of others? Perhaps we break the spell when we think of what we COULD do toward a better future.
Allyson & Alex