Suggestions for Making Art with a Message of Higher Meaning
Hi Allyson,
I'm an artist creating mandalas and sacred geometry art. I’d like to thank you and Alex for sharing sacred geometry and spreading psychedelic spirituality. I really love the work you and Terence did and still do. Do you have any suggestions for making art that carries a message and deeper meaning?

The Meaning of Secret Writing
Hi Allyson,
I just stumbled on your artwork of symbols. I saw these same symbols in a dream I had many years ago. They were etched into rocks near the waters edge surrounded by strange beings of another world. The symbols shone in multiple colours similar to a labradorite crystal. The image has stuck with me and I always believed it meant something. Do you know what they represent?
Thank you,

At a crossroads…
Hey Allyson,
I am an artist currently based out of Colorado. I have spent much of my life pursuing the arts to the point that I find my art practice indistinguishable from what most consider a religious practice. I reach out to you because I am currently at a make or break moment and it scares me. I don’t make much money from doing my craft and have worked in the food industry to pay the bills. As I hit age 31 I am beginning to doubt any sort of sustainability the way I’m going. But I can’t seem to let go. I love it. But my dad is offering me a position as a sales person for a big produce company in Florida. I’ll make good money but will lose much of my identity as an artist in the process since I will spend much of my time training and working and will have to cater to their corporate protocols. I’m scared that I am succumbing to the necessity for stable income at the cost of losing my consistent practice and my studio. I don’t know what to do. I heard you and Alex speak on Duncan Trussell’s podcasts a few times and finally built up the courage to reach out.

Vipassana & Being An Artist
Dear Allyson,
I'm not a 100% artist, I just really like playing with the platonic solids and fractal geometry, I have a few drawings, sketches and a small painting called "Beach Light." It would be a dream for me if I could show my work to you and you shared with me your understanding the transforming a 3D vision of shapes into two dimensions. I’d like to portray the silhouette of the supercube. I send you both a cordial I sorry for my english but use a translator
I really love your work and the way you handle and feel the colors.
Wishing you the best, health and life,

The Speed of Time
Dear Allyson,
I have a question about the subject of time. I’m a 19 year old born in a very confusing time, and I just wanted to ask you this: As we age and our awareness expands, why does time tend to feel like it’s speeding up? Is it due to our growing self-awareness or just our overall awareness of the environment in which we live? I’ve heard that time is an illusion where the past present and future are one. When I was a you g kid, time felt very slow and I think that was much more enjoyable! But now as my responsibilities expand more and more, time seems to be thinning. Why is this?

Sacred Relationships
Dear Mrs. Allyson Grey,
Your relationship with your husband is ideal to me. Love, friendship, and community with one another. I desire that in my life and I'm asking if you know any available men who fit that criteria?
I would love for you to be my matchmaker, as you have very discerning taste.
If you don't have the desire to take this on, I fully respect that.
With much respect,

Creativity as a Spiritual Practice
The following is an interview from a student from Scotland, Wenna King.
Q: The mandala is an ancient symbol that appears and reappears throughout culture and history. Do you feel there is a connection between this ancient imagery (e.g. Islamic tiling and the mandala) and the images you create in ‘Order’? If yes, please explain why?
A: Indeed. The mandala formation that portrays Order in my paintings is inspired by a psychedelic vision a vast vista of fountains and drains, multi-colored strands of light energy, as seen from above, looking down into the spout. Often, there are seven layers to the Order mandala, honoring the seven chakras identified in Eastern metaphysical anatomy of an individual.

Including Creativity in my Academic Life
Dear Allyson,
To study ecology and conservation at University, I moved to Missoula, Montana from Southeastern Connecticut and love being surrounded by such exquisite wilderness. I have trouble melding my artistic creativity with academic structure and the rigor of school. How would you recommend integrating my studies with my love to make art?

Feeling "Stuck"
Hey Allyson!
First, I wanted to share my gratitude for the work and lifestyle that you and Alex inspire in my own life. I'm an art-student graduate and visionary artist. Art is more than a hobby to me, but I'm struggling to find the ideal living situation in which to work and practice. I'm a dedicated meditator and painter, feeling that I have not achieved the ideal "life current" needed to share my gifts.

Letting Work Go or Keeping It
Hi Allyson,
I was a student of yours in 'start a painting' class back in 2018, recently we met again at Regenaissance in Miami. I mentioned to you in Miami that I have been painting lots since and as of 2018. I hope you and everyone is thriving at COSM and good health and good spirits prevail.
First of all I'm so very grateful for all the influence and encouragement I got from you, Alex and COSM, it's been priceless in these past 4 years.

Secret writing
Dear Allyson,It is a pleasure ro see your art. I see the same things in my mind. - the forms, patterns and letters, and it shocks me to see thise images as paintings. Can you read the secret writing? Thank you for your art. You are a genius who is confirming what I’ve always considered the language of consciousness and of creation. Eternal blessings.

Honoring Our Creativity
Hello Allyson
I struggle to fully embrace myself as an artist and honor ideas by transferring them out of my head and into physical space. A heavy feeling that I am contributing to more of the Earth’s trash/garbage has been a persistently persuasive voice that ceases momentum. Continuing to ignore this mass of creative energy is no longer an option for me.
Any advice on how to reconcile this shame/guilt associated with creating in order to proudly come out as an artist?
Thanks for reading this :)

Clarifying through Journaling
Hi Allyson,
I think I'm different than most I know. But my story is very weird and I know it was to true not to be true.. I know we all follow our path, but I am so close to loosing what gained, I hope you have some wisdom that you could share with me or guide me on my journey.. anything at this moment I would be so grateful for. Here's my story:
As a kid I knew I was different, I was born a lost soul, or you could say my soul was taking from me. I could always see spirits, and things would happen, like stuff falling from the wall, to stuff lifting in the air, etc.. I was little didn't think much into it..

Dear Allyson,
My fiancé and I are in our early 20's, love each other deeply and are creative people. We both draw, he plays guitar, I write, paint, and create in other mediums. When we first took LSD together, we remembered knowing each other before. It was the most profound experience of our lives. To protect our sacred connection, we vowed to help each other grow, and appreciate our relationship more than ever. A problem we share is suffering with depression, leaving us feeling stuck, unhappy, and unmotivated to create or even to live. I find it hard to stick with and finish an artwork and lack confidence in my abilities. We feel as if we aren't fully living life and fear that life will fly by us and we will be unfulfilled in the end.

Building a Sanctuary to the Mushroom
Dear Allyson & Alex,
I heard you on Duncan's podcast where you and Alex talked about how important it is to make life as beautiful as you could.
I feel like the Mushroom wants me to help. I've been following you and Alex for sometime and am a big believer in CoSM and the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors.
I don't have a tribe but I feel there are others just like me, who want to increase the potency of our cultures spirit and soul.
My part in this is to help guide people to feel something I have felt and feel.

Dear Allyson,
My question is about your creative process and how you handle the publishing part?
Do you feel self conscious about displaying your vulnerability?

Dear Allyson,
What does it mean to be a true friend? How can I be that more for others and myself?
Thank you so much for the healing light you share.
In honor of Healing Light,

Psilocybin and Art
Hi Allyson,
I have been making a living as an artist for 20 years now. I have my own gallery and mostly sell landscapes of the island in Maine where I live or commissioned portraits. I love the figure and feel that's my strongest work. I want to do something different. I am at a loss as to how to use psychedelics and art. When you paint, are you taking them at the time or do you wait and record visions after. Do you or Alex ever do psychedelic workshops? I admire you both and love your work.

Making Art for the Joy of It
Dear Allyson,
Just listened to an interview you and Alex did with Duncan Trussell. Holy cow!
I’m a glassblower in the Twin cities of Minnesota and since I graduated art school 3½ years ago, I’ve been working in a production environment making lighting. I love my job but since I started I haven’t made any art of my own. Whether this is a byproduct of the comfort afforded by stability or just pure laziness, I don’t know, but I realized I need some help getting back to my roots of making art for the joy of it. Do you have any advice for reconnecting with the sense of creative energy I experienced back then? I’m just feeling a bit lost, thank you for any advice you might have!

Exhibition Struggles
Hello Allyson,
As a visionary artist I'm struggling to find appropriate places to exhibit my work. When I look around in the galleries and museums in the the Netherlands, where I live, I see nothing even closely related to paintings inspired by visionary states. When I show my portfolio or apply for artists grants I hear: “Beautiful work. Well done, but unfortunately we have no client base for this type of work." Or "Thank you for your grant proposal but we find the visual language that you use a cliche."
The art world just seems to close off to this kind of art I feel. It forces me to exhibit only in the festival scene where my art is more appreciated. Which is great but, I also have aspirations to show to a broader audience I feel.