How can I have the life I love?

Dear Allyson, 

 I am lost. I'm an artist: theater, writing, ink on glass and metal. I pretty much fall in love with any art form I come across. I also feel deeply called to heal and teach. None feels whole by itself and I feel off balance if I'm not doing both. 
 Until I listened to you both in person yesterday and saw what you've created with CoSM and your work, I've never seen the two threads braided so perfectly. 

 So my question is: How did you find your way to that? More to the point, how did you make that a way of life and start to live and survive doing your soul's work? 


 A. Nony

New Chaos by Allyson Grey

Dear A. Nony, 

 How can I have the life I love? 

 Create an intention. Be very specific. Use only positive words, no modifiers. If you do not know what you want to do, that is your quest. Start envisioning the life you would love in every area. What would your life look like if you really loved it? 

 With your clear brief intention, start enrolling others in your intention. When you can inspire people of the worthiness of your intention it will be coming toward you. 

 Take action everyday toward your intention. Create altars to your intention. The visit them and refresh them daily to refresh your commitment. At the altar, ask yourself, "What did I do to come one step closer to my intention TODAY?" and "What one step can I now do that will bring me that much closer to realizing my intention?" Use your altar as a place of empowerment where ideas come to you that point you in the direction of your intention. 

 We teach workshops at CoSM on the art of having a life you love. December was Setting Your Highest Intentions and January was Creating a Life You Love. 

 Check out the events and join us at CoSM. 




 Dear Allyson, 

 People don't go into the arts for money, I was wondering what advice you'd give to someone like me who needs help finding their path. My partner and I have to decide where to go next (our lease is up in a month and then we go month to month). 

 I also need to carry my share in the relationship. It's unfair of me to ask him to work a job he hates indefinitely while I wander around looking for answers. I want to take care of him, too. 

 How do you and Alex exist on the soul level required to produce such healing art, free to meet the world while paying your bills and feeding your belly at the same time? 

 Thank you, 

 A. Nony 


 Dear A. Nony, 

 First, put more structure into your life. Right livelihood is supporting yourself with work you are not ashamed of. Be gainfully employed or, if he is making all the money, take being a homemaker as a full-time job. Have the house in good order and dinner on the table, food in the fridge. Use your intelligence and start a practice -- maybe yoga. Be sure to look good and feel good. A life well-lived needs some structure. When in doubt, add a bit of structure. (Clean out your drawers and closets?) It is just a beginning but you have to start somewhere, sometime. The structure thing has really helped us all along. 




Painting Feedback


Realms of the Unpronounceable