Aphantasia - Absence Mind's Eye
Dear Allyson,
My question is about an uncommon phenomena known as aphantasia; it is the lack of a visual imagination, the lack of a mind's eye. It makes creating art very difficult sometimes as I have a concept in my mind but really struggle to translate it to paper due to being unable to see the image I would like in my mind. It is a difficult entity to explain because I find it hard to sum up the words to describe the phenomena other than when I try to imagine an image - my mind's eye stays blank and it is almost as though I am describing with words what I should be seeing with imagery.
As a visionary artist yourself, how would you recommend that I go about using my empty mind's eye as it is to create or how to potentially tap into the visual side of my mind's eye.
Thank you for your time and energy.
Energy, light and love,

The “No-Enthusiasm Zone”
Dear Allyson,
Can you give me some advice? I have become utterly trapped in a 'no-enthusiasm zone', have been here for over a year now. Haven't written or painted anything. Have you got any ideas about how to get out of this?

During a recent psychedelic experience, I did something that I have never done, which was to see the sentience of the psychedelic itself, psilocybin in this case. It communicated with me! I was in shock. Do you have any thoughts on this? I have also been reading and applying The Kybalion to my life, and achieving tremendous peace.
I would love to hear your perspective.
Love and Grace,

Art Out of Anger (part 2)
Dear Allyson,
It is an honor to hear back from you and thank you for all your advice and teachings.
Hearing from you has just given me so much confidence and joy
At home, I was raised in a way that brings up conflict inside of me. This idea that we are all individuals, and we are who we are for ourselves and not for society is not taught in Indian households today. We are all expected to be 3D printed perfect people (according the opinion of family) so that we are presentable in society. I was never that kid, but the idea to impress people has been engraved in me. My father believes society makes you who you are, but then it cuts our wings.
I am in the process of letting go of the parts of myself that I don't like and don't resonate with me. I get into thought loops that lead me down a very dark path. It's like a bad trance, which in very intense moments, is hard for me to keep myself in control. It's terrifying to record myself in that state.

Art Out of Anger
Dear Allyson,
I love your mind, and your work, and the idea of chaos and order. To be honest, I feel the chaos in me more.
My name is Anushna and I am from India. I know we are so far away from each other but someday I am going to make it to New York and learn from you.
You know, I feel so much inside me, you could call it chaos. There is chaos in my mind, but I also feel it in my body when the mind takes over (anxiety). Theres so much anger for what the world is today, I don't feel a part of society for what it is. I don't want to be angry. Today I was angry at the world and I cried and tore what I was wearing right off my body and there was destruction.

Art & Mothering
Dear Allyson,
How did you and Alex manage to keep creating and raise a baby?

Dear Allyson,
I’m having trouble in life. Communicating with others seems to be a big issue. Any tips on how to not be so anxious when put in social situations? Also, I’m having trouble being motivated enough to contribute to today’s society. I love the earth and all things on it but It’s hard to contribute to our society without also contributing to all the destructive actions our society causes. How do I find and kickstart a career if they all seem to hurt the world in some way shape or form.

Aspiring Artist
Hi Allyson,
Your art and Alex’s has inspired me to practice making art myself. Anatomy has always interested me. I’d like to draw lifelike art while still maintaining a personal style that isn’t “cartoonish.” I am perfectionistic and believe that this will become a struggle to overcome in my art journey. Being young and low on financial resources, what would you recommend in pushing myself to learn, developing a personal style and finding sources that outline the principles of art and anatomy? What tips can you offer me regarding combining spirituality with art?
- Taylor

Being a Successful Artist
Hi Allyson,
My name is Harvey Dale. I'm turning 23 in January. I've been introduced to your art since 19. It has opened up my world and aided my process of awakening. I've been in and out of my awakening for 4 years now. This year has been really strong because I'm finally seeing the ways which I have been resisting my awakening. I feel like my third eye has been activated. I'm getting lots of downloads of consciousness shifting visions. Some of them are similar to your work. There was a feeling in me which communicated that this was going to change others' lives when they looked at it, or that it will hit their subconscious in a way that will make them conscious of that particular subject. Anyways, I am very familiar with your visionary art movement. It's on my bucket list to go to Entheon one day soon. I think it's the most amazing thing in the world.

Using Cannabis
Dear Allyson,
I've noticed how wildly popular cannabis is starting to become, and I was wondering what your thoughts are about the relationship that our society is forming with the plant. High potency strains and concentrates are readily available. I've noticed among many of my friends who use cannabis that it affects them in a negative way. I feel that THC levels in cannabis are being increased to an excessive level and this in turn is causing people to establish an unhealthy relationship with the plant.

Perfectionism and Art
Dear Allyson,
You were in my dream last night emphatically telling me "People aren't perfect and we can't make perfect art, and that's life! All we can do is what we can do, but we can do a lot!” I find that my habit of perfectionism and being overly critical of myself limits both the quality and quantity of my creative output. I'd love to hear your thoughts on perfectionism and art.
Thank you and Alex for everything you do :)

A Worthy Project
Dear Allyson,
I am an experienced artist with a desire to create from spirit. Now involved in Landmark Education in Seattle, I am taking a leadership program that supports class participants in creating a community project. My quest is to lead others in an art venture that honors the divine. How can I bring together a team to work with me on that aim?
Thank you,

Self-Doubt Versus Creativity
Dear Allyson,
Thank you for your time. I am a writer who hasn't written anything yet. I am a yoga teacher who has not done any formal training yet. I am a podcaster with nothing recorded yet. For 15 years, I lived an unbalanced and unhealthy life with too much booze and white powdery drugs and not enough self care, which has hindered my drive to bring ideas to fruition. Then, 3 years ago, at age 30, I was blessed with a daughter. Taking care of her and her mother and my step daughter became priority. So for the first time in my life I developed drive and consistency in the form of waking up early and working hard almost everyday doing lawn care. This has been good for my evolution but overworked and exhausted, my energy reserves are dedicated to fatherly duties, truly my favorite thing of all.

Executing an Artistic Vision
Dear Allyson,
Because of how our society is structured, it is very difficult to form and execute an artistic vision. Sometimes we find ourselves so distant from where we NEED to be that the opportunity to execute that vision seems impossible. Yet sometimes a vision can come to fruition through means unknown, unknowable, or not yet available to us. If I am a lowly worker at a factory, how on earth will I build an art and healing center in New Mexico? It seems like such an impossibility, and yet the urge to do so is overwhelming and we cannot give up. How do you suggest one position themselves so they can be open to taking the right steps? Logical thinking will only take us so far.
Thank you and bless you,

Identifying A Venue For Your Art
Dear Allyson,
I recently finished a big drawing project and would like advice about venues to have an exhibition. The project is called BFF and it consists of 127 composite charcoal drawings, plus the 128 photos from which they are derived. The project began in 2007 while working as a forensic artist for the Suffolk County police in Long Island. I’m currently looking to show an exhibition of the entire series. I’m looking into venues in the Hudson Valley but I’m open to venues in NYC and beyond as well. I’ve attached a mockup of how I’d like to lay out everything on a wall. The challenge is that it will require a wall nearly 100-feet wide… It may also work with two perpendicular 50-foot walls with the final drawing in the corner between them, or on a circular/curved wall. I was wondering if you had any recommendations for venues that might work? A true gallery would be nice, but I’m fine with renting out a space even for just a weekend if it’s the right size. Thanks again, and looking forward to more good times at COSM!
Shawn Feeney

Truth, Integrity and BPD
Hi Allyson,
What is your opinion on Borderline Personality Disorder? I was reading through some of your old answers, and you seem to take a harsh stance on honesty and integrity. Personally I believe those things are very important as well, though in my experiences inside and outside the system I have only become more confused. I see major repercussions due to dishonesty. Do you think mental illness is an excuse? Do you believe it is real? Do you believe in lying for a just cause? Do you believe there is one truth, or many? Who decides what is true?
Thank you,

Realms of the Mind & Body
Hi Allyson,
Why do you think our mind enters a different universe while our bodies stay in the current one. If our body enters too does that mean our physical body dies?
Thank you,

Feeling Inadequate Creatively
Dear Allyson,
Have you ever feel like you were artistically inadequate, and if so, how did you overcome this? Inspired by many artists and musicians, I compare myself to the work of others and beat myself up over not having done as much, or for not being detail oriented enough. That cycle of self sabotage usually leads to stagnant periods in my creative flow. To continue creating, I have to address this negative cycle, but somedays I get so discouraged. At those times, I can't even imagine picking up a guitar or writing or doing anything creative.

Bruegel, 1980
Dear Edgar,
Thank you so much for asking about the painting, “Bruegel” & my work in general. Truly, Alex named the piece “Bruegel” because of the “worlds-within-worlds” riot of chaos, order and spectral color. The vision was completely inspired and derived from my psychedelic experience, but did I really SEE that very image or pattern of squares in my mind’s eye while activated? I rather think the complexity, hard edged equanimity of all color was conceptualized out of my intuitive awakened mind.

Sustaining an Enduring Relationship
Dear Allyson,
My husband and I have been together for close to twenty years, we deeply love each other and are committed to being together. As we enter our midlife era, it has become more of a challenge to connect, having two young children and various other regular life stressors. We see our friends divorcing and can't help wonder if marriage is sustainable in today's world? I was deeply encouraged to read that you and your husband are committed to each other in a traditional way. Could you offer some advice from your personal relationship in difficult times that help you stay grounded and connected to each other?
Thank for you for all the love and light you bring to this world!
Much respect,