Sustaining an Enduring Relationship
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Sustaining an Enduring Relationship

Dear Allyson, 

My husband and I have been together for close to twenty years, we deeply love each other and are committed to being together. As we enter our midlife era, it has become more of a challenge to connect, having two young children and various other regular life stressors. We see our friends divorcing and can't help wonder if marriage is sustainable in today's world? I was deeply encouraged to read that you and your husband are committed to each other in a traditional way. Could you offer some advice from your personal relationship in difficult times that help you stay grounded and connected to each other? 

 Thank for you for all the love and light you bring to this world! 

 Much respect, 


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Starting My Art Journey
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Starting My Art Journey

Dear Allyson, 

 On your podcast with Duncan Trussell, I was inspired to hear you speak about the path of an artist. I have been trying to get my artistic journey started with little success and have identified two problems. One is that I am just too busy right now to make art a priority. An upcoming job change will offer more time for artistic pursuits. 

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Trust or Betrayal
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Trust or Betrayal

Dear Allyson, 

I recently "ran away" from my partner of seven years, due to a terrible misunderstanding. 

My partner and I, both 25 years old, have been together for seven years. We broke up once before. During that break-up, I had a sexual experience with another man, and thought nothing of it. When Raphael and I started dating again, I was afraid to tell him, so at first, I lied, but later regretted it and told the truth. He never quite trusted me again. 

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Response from a Neighbor
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Response from a Neighbor

Dear Allyson, 

My husband Brad and I, as well as the other neighbors who came to the celebration with us yesterday, enjoyed ourselves very much. I mentioned to you that I was thinking about writing about CoSM in my weekly email to a group of local people, and thought maybe you enjoy reading the result: 

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A Non-Profit for Creative Children
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

A Non-Profit for Creative Children

Dear Allyson, 

 I’d like to dedicate myself to helping children by creating a non-profit for low income communities like the neighborhood where I myself grew up. If I had known at a young age that I could make a living from my artistic abilities and talents, that is what I would have done. Many artistic young people, like my childhood neighbors, have no clue this is reality or how to get there and it seems impossible to many. I’d like to start a non-profit to allow children to not only express their artistic talents but to link them with schools and colleges that would train them to work in their fields and live out their dreams. Please assist me with whatever knowledge you have on this subject. Anything is appreciated, thank you so much for your time. 



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Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco


Dear Allyson 

 Since I graduated art school in Scotland, I've struggled to balance work & art. I have creative practice-streaks and have even gotten some art out into the world, But, for the past seven years I’ve been denying my creative self and feeling guilty. 

 This past summer I moved to Sweden with my wife and one year old son to be closer to nature and find the balance between I've craved. Surprisingly, despite having a beautiful house in the forest, more time with my wife, plenty of free time to paint and a safe and nourishing environment for my son, I became increasingly depressed. 

 Listening to your conversation with Duncan Trussell, I realize that this depression and profound sadness is the result of this guilt -- having time and space to face the creative self that I've largely ignored and kept locked in the dark these recent years. Fortunately, the worst is over. Becoming aware of the source of my guilt and ill feeling, I've begun to make art again. I've discovered that creative block stems from a fear of beginning again and confronting the neglected creative self. It is enormously healing to do so. 

 Attached is an image of a painting I've started since listening to you. It's the oldest church in Sweden. 

 Best wishes to you all and good luck with CoSM! 

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Past In Your Present
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Past In Your Present

Hi Allyson! 

 It was so refreshing to speak to you at the at the Gratitude Gathering and to hear of someone who had a positive family background that was full of love. Like how you spoke of your parents, specifically you growing up in a family business, summer camping, that had such a positive influence all those girls. It is encouraging to know that you still have a positive familia relationship with your husband and daughter. 

 Personally I didn’t have the most understanding or supportive family growing up. My past certainly has influenced my present and not in the best ways. Your roles as a wife, daughter, mother, artist, woman been so inspiring to me. It takes a strong individual to do all the things you have done and continue to do. It was wonderful connecting with you and Alex at CoSM. 

 Thank you so much, 


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Birth with Joy
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Birth with Joy

Here is a podcast about birth I recently did, with Alex’s inclusion, on the Joy Jech’s audio show, “Birth with Joy.” It discusses our one and only birth story and other matters related to art & life. Thanks to Joy for my inclusion in her collection of birth stories that readers/listeners might enjoy.

 The episode:

podcast website:

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Employment & Healing
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Employment & Healing

Dear Allyson, 

 At 24, I'm having a difficult time in my life. Out of work and living off of savings, I am having a hard time finding employment. However, I am currently living in an area where job openings are plentiful. I am limited in what I can do since I have no car and can’t afford one. Three young stepchildren count on my care. My spiritual, mental and emotional health was set on the back burner for awhile. Now, I feel mentally stable enough for employment, but can’t find work! The stress is almost reversing the hard work I put into improving myself and my health. What advice can you offer to those stuck in these sort of snowball-effect ruts? 



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Letting Go of a Romantic Relationship
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Letting Go of a Romantic Relationship

Dear Allyson, 

 Awhile ago, I was in a romantic relationship with this girl. Our connection seemed deeper than words can explain. Where we once trusted each other and spoke openly, the relationship ended with us not speaking to one another and parting ways without much communication. We see each other from time to time at parties of mutual friends and I feel the vibrations of unresolved karmic ties. How can I let go of these ties? Should I address them in order to heal them? Could unresolved, lingering feelings disrupting the flow of new divine relationships for us both. Should we meet up, hang out and be together for awhile to clear this? 

 Are romantic relationships a "trap"? Isn't “romanticizing" a false interpretation? Or can a romantic relationship offer a platform for manifestation, like using our imagination for goal setting in order to accomplish things with a partner? Do you think a romantic relationship distances oneself from spontaneity and personal creativity in union with another person? 

 Thank you so much for reading, and for providing space for questions to be asked. 



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Painting Feedback
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Painting Feedback

Hi Allyson, 

Please take a look at my latest. I'm happy with the idea, but some of the execution has much to be desired. 

I thought a lot about what you recommended. I haven't repainted them yet, but I will. As I experiment I am progressing, but my goal is to be able to add more realism to them (for example the face on the attached picture). 

 If possible, please let me know your thoughts. 

 All the best, 


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How can I have the life I love?
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

How can I have the life I love?

Dear Allyson, 

 I am lost. I'm an artist: theater, writing, ink on glass and metal. I pretty much fall in love with any art form I come across. I also feel deeply called to heal and teach. None feels whole by itself and I feel off balance if I'm not doing both. 
 Until I listened to you both in person yesterday and saw what you've created with CoSM and your work, I've never seen the two threads braided so perfectly. 

 So my question is: How did you find your way to that? More to the point, how did you make that a way of life and start to live and survive doing your soul's work? 


 A. Nony

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Realms of the Unpronounceable
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Realms of the Unpronounceable

Through labor intensive complexity, passages of two related yet separate worlds interpenetrate. The shift between the two infinite fabrics of pattern appear as a secret language, unpronounceable characters that represent the nameless presence of the Divine in every communication and creative act.

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This Side of Sanity
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

This Side of Sanity


by Paul Bronson 
Byron Bay, Australia 

this is the story of falling down the rabbit hole. 

some people believe in spiritual experience,
and some people believe only in solid facts.
to the grounded folk, the following tale is a decent into madness.
to the mind exploring hippy, it is a matter of discerning
where reality stops and when madness begins. 

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Depression and Anxiety
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Depression and Anxiety


 I have a question for you that I am hoping you may be able assist me with. First, I feel the need to give you a little background. 

 At 43, I have struggled with addiction and depression/anxiety for most of my life. From a very early age, I felt like I did not belong and have had great difficulty forming meaningful relationships with people. I've had counseling off and on, have taken antidepressants, self medicated, and participated in two twelve-step recovery groups. I am clean and sober and working constantly to become the person that my creator intended. Despite all this, I continue to have a giant empty space in my heart. 

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Allyson's Day – 40 Year Anniversary of My First Date with Alex, May 31, 1975
Ask Allyson Lety Blanco Ask Allyson Lety Blanco

Allyson's Day – 40 Year Anniversary of My First Date with Alex, May 31, 1975

May 30th, 1975: Alex appeared at the door of my Cambridge apartment for my end-of-year party accompanied by our Boston Museum School Conceptual Mixed Media professor whom I had been casually dating. In Alex's hand was a half-drunk bottle of Kahlua mixed with a giant dose of LSD. My first of many LSD trips was in 1969. Alex's had postponed that experience until that very night at my house... on my couch. 

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